Le guide étape par étape pour gagner de l’argent à partir d’Instagram



Instagram est une force de la nature.

Ce qui n’était qu’une application de partage de photos est devenu au départ l’une des meilleures plateformes de médias sociaux en moins de sept ans.

Il a rapidement doublé sa base d’utilisateurs au cours des deux dernières années pour 700 millions d’utilisateurs. Sa croissance a explosé depuis le lancement d’Instagram Stories en août 2016.

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Assez impressionnant.

Cela montre simplement à quel point les gens réagissent à un contenu simple et visuel.

L’intérêt pour Instagram a considérablement augmenté au cours des six dernières années.

Et je doute fortement qu’il ralentisse de sitôt.

Peu importe comment vous le découpez, les gens adorent Instagram. C’est l’un des moyens les plus populaires de partager des photos.

Dans de nombreux cas, je choisis même Instagram plutôt que Google Images lors de la recherche de photos.

C’est tellement simple et accessible, et la grande majorité des images sont de très haute qualité.

L’occasion de gagner de l’argent sur Instagram

Vous voulez savoir quelque chose que j’aime absolument chez les spécialistes du marketing?

Ils se sont engagés à servir le public. Et lorsque vous créez une expérience formidable pour vos prospects, l’argent est un sous-produit.

Mais je ne vous laisserai pas avec un tel jargon et des déclarations de motivation. Je suppose que vous êtes un spécialiste du marketing intelligent (pourquoi autrement vous promèneriez-vous sur NeilPatel.com, non?)

Tu comprends ça construire une suite puis diffuser des annonces pour vendre votre produit est un excellent moyen de générer des revenus. Attendez une seconde cependant…

Ne le saviez-vous pas déjà?

C’est la stratégie la plus évidente pour gagner de l’argent en ligne.

Étendons donc la conversation au-delà de ces conseils clichés. Entrons dans le vif du sujet et voyons comment gagner réellement 200 $ à 10 000 $ (encore plus) par mois à partir de la plate-forme sociale visuelle. Pour commencer, permettez-moi de partager 3 histoires inspirantes de personnes qui ont gagné de l’argent sur Instagram.

1. Theresa Nguyen n’est pas votre adolescente moyenne. Elle partage des vidéos dignes de sa boue maison Compte Instagram qui obtiennent des centaines de milliers de vues.

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Son compte est rempli de messages colorés. Avec seulement 228 de ces messages en direct, elle a recueilli 747 000 personnes (au moment de la rédaction du message). Et elle montre comment tirer parti du précieux lien de profil Instagram.

Elle a un CTA clair conduisant ses abonnés Instagram à sa boutique de slime en ligne.

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Pensez-vous que les utilisateurs d’Instagram sont intéressés à acheter de la boue maison à un adolescent?

Tu paries.

Quand je suis parti son site web, toutes les saveurs étaient épuisées. Time.com a signalé que elle gagne 3 000 $ / mois. Pas si mal pour une gamine de 13 ans dont les parents se sont moqués de son idée de vendre ses créations.

Theresa n’est pas seule. Rachel Albus, 13 ans, originaire de Californie, et Sara Y., 12 ans, originaire de Caroline du Nord, ont également créé leur compte Instagram auprès de milliers de followers. Et ils font de l’argent décent avec eux.

Comme on dit, l’âge n’est qu’un chiffre. Mais je ne me souviens pas avoir été aussi innovant quand j’avais douze ans!

2. Avec la diversité du public sur Instagram, tout le monde a la possibilité de gagner de l’argent. Alors, rencontrez la prochaine star de l’argent Instagram sur notre liste: Sara Tasker.

Une femme de 32 ans du Yorkshire, elle a travaillé comme orthophoniste au NHS. Il y a quatre ans, alors qu’elle était en congé de maternité de quatre mois, elle a créé son compte Instagram.

Sa motivation pour s’inscrire sur Instagram était les produits gratuits et l’argent que les marques offraient aux utilisateurs d’Instagram. Et maintenant, elle a perfectionné sa façon de devenir ce qu’on appelle une micro-influenceuse avec 170 000 followers.

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Son compte est rempli de belles photos de style de vie de sa vie. Et elle a gagné environ 120 000 £ l’année dernière. En plus d’être payée par les marques pour la publication, elle gagne également de l’argent en coachant les gens sur la créativité et le marketing Instagram.

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3. Si vous pensez que rassembler un public si énorme est nécessaire pour gagner de l’argent, alors rencontrez Jeena Farmer. Elle est thérapeute nutritionnelle qualifiée et rédactrice indépendante du Warwickshire. Son Instagram n’a que 3,361 abonnés.

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Mais les marques la paient dans la gamme de 50 £ – 100 £ (64 USD – 128 USD environ) pour les avoir mentionnés sur son Instagram. Elle propose également une mise à jour Instagram avec un article de blog et un tweet – pour lesquels elle facture 200 à 300 £ (250 USD – 350 USD).

Les principales publications médiatiques publient comment gagner de l’argent avec des histoires Instagram.

Mais comment exactement ces utilisateurs expérimentés gèrent-ils leurs comptes Instagram et gagnent-ils de l’argent?

Je suis descendu dans les tranchées Instagram avec mes clients dans une variété de niches. Et j’ai découvert que vous pouvez lancer des entreprises indépendamment sur la seule base d’Instagram (vous n’avez même pas besoin d’un site Web). Sinon, vous pouvez allumer d’autres modèles commerciaux et catapulter vos revenus avec le soutien d’Instagram.

Dans cet article, je vais vous montrer 9 tactiques lucratives Instagram. Comme vous le savez, j’aime garder mes articles complets et adaptés aux débutants. Donc, même si vous n’avez jamais entendu parler d’Instagram auparavant, vous repartirez avec des stratégies exploitables pour gagner votre premier dollar à partir de la plate-forme dans un mois.

Avant de plonger nos orteils dans les tactiques spécifiques, examinons les conditions préalables pour gagner de l’argent.

L’argent d’Instagram: les conditions préalables

Vous ne pouvez pas gifler une poignée Instagram accrocheuse, écrire une description mignonne et commencer à publier des photos de votre vie quotidienne. Cela pourrait bien impressionner vos amis, mais si vous cherchez à gagner de l’argent, voici quelques conditions.

1. Portée et influence – Pourquoi les entreprises paient-elles de l’argent à un utilisateur Instagram comme vous?

Ils obtiennent une exposition à votre public et ils espèrent gagner de l’argent dans le processus en faisant acheter ou recommander leurs produits par vos followers.

Instagram est généreux en envoyant votre message à davantage de flux de vos fans. Si vous poster au bon moment et utiliser des hashtags (nous discuterons de ces tactiques plus tard), puis votre portée organique sera plus élevé que les autres plateformes de médias sociaux.

Mais que faire si vous n’avez que quelques centaines d’abonnés Instagram pour commencer?

Votre audience potentielle est faible. Avec un petit espace échantillon, votre contenu ne sera pas vu par beaucoup de gens, sans parler de stimuler les ventes de vos produits ou d’une marque.

C’est pourquoi vous avez certainement besoin de quelques milliers d’abonnés pour gagner de l’argent à partir de la plate-forme.

Maintenant, comme vous l’avez peut-être deviné, la portée ne contribue qu’à la première étape de l’entonnoir: la sensibilisation.

Si vous voulez générer des ventes, vous devez avoir des compétences de persuasion (connues sous le nom d’influence).

Votre public doit prendre des mesures sur vos recommandations. Alexandra Lamachenka illustre le processus au dessous de.

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Un de mes écrivains préférés, Robert Cialdini, a écrit un livre formidable sur le sujet: Influence: la psychologie de la persuasion.

Tim Ferriss est un excellent exemple concret de personnes influentes. Quand il s’est inscrit pour promouvoir les chemises habillées Mizzen + Main sur son podcast, ils ne s’attendaient pas à ce que leur inventaire s’épuise. Leur PDG et fondateur Kevin Lavelle se porte garant de l’effet Tim Ferriss.

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Il ne suffit donc pas de créer un compte aléatoire et de collecter quelques milliers de followers à lui seul. Vous devez devenir une personnalité Instagram convaincante.

2. Suiveurs engagés – Bien sûr, plus de followers stimuleront votre ego. Même mathématiquement, cela augmente votre probabilité d’apparaître dans plus de flux Instagram.

Mais que faire si tout le monde a froid à vos mises à jour?

Cela ressemble à un échec malgré la mise en avant de votre meilleur travail.

Dans mon voyage de création de plus de quatre blogs, J’ai tout vu. À l’époque, j’avais l’habitude d’afficher le nombre de visiteurs que je conduisais sur mon site. Maintenant, je comprends que c’est une question d’engagement. Cela indique que vous résolvez des problèmes pour les personnes qui vous entourent.

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Donc, sur votre compte Instagram, si vous faites rarement commenter, aimer, partager et vous suivre, les gens se trompent. Vos mises à jour ne frappent pas les accords avec l’univers Instagram. Nous allons maintenant comprendre comment résoudre le problème dans la section suivante.

Mais pour l’instant, comprenez que même si vous avez 1 000 followers engagés, le potentiel de gagner de l’argent est là. Les marques sont prêtes à investir en vous en raison des actions rentables que vous conduirez via votre compte.

En effet, Jeena Farmer est payée une somme d’argent décente par les marques de santé car elle obtient un bon engagement sur tous ses postes. Regarder le post ci-dessous. Malgré ses 3 368 abonnés, elle a obtenu 98 likes et 15 commentaires sur cette photo de collagène. C’est plus de 3% d’engagement!

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Exceptions aux exigences ci-dessus

Tu sais ce que je détestais de la chimie à l’école?

Après avoir appris les règles et les équations, il y avait toujours des exceptions que nous devions aussi apprendre.

Je pense que ce ne sera pas le cas ici avec vous.

Si vous vendez directement vos produits sur Instagram, vous n’avez pas nécessairement besoin d’un énorme public. Supposons que vous vendiez un cours à prix élevé au prix de 297 $ sur le marketing Instagram. Ensuite, même avec un faible taux de conversion et environ un millier d’abonnés, vous pouvez gagner de l’argent décent.

De même, si vous avez une compétence spécifique (comme la photographie / l’écriture / la bande dessinée / le montage vidéo), Instagram ne joue qu’un rôle fonctionnel dans votre modèle commercial de service.

Vous pouvez ouvrir votre compte dès aujourd’hui, publier environ 3 à 5 mises à jour qui affichent votre travail et envoyer des messages directement aux clients potentiels. Selon vos compétences, votre expérience et votre argumentaire, vous pouvez fermer votre premier client d’ici demain et commencer à frapper des dollars.

À présent, j’espère que vous comprenez qu’Instagram n’est pas de l’argent facile. Vous devez bousculer votre chemin. Et la section suivante explique comment organiser votre bousculade.

Récapitulatif: comment créer une suite Instagram importante qui attend vos mises à jour

Si vous êtes un spécialiste du marketing chevronné, vous pouvez ignorer cette section.

J’ai déjà écrit en détail sur le marketing Instagram à plusieurs reprises – ici, ici et même sur Forbes. Mais revenons rapidement sur la création d’un compte Instagram avec pour devise de gagner de l’argent. Voici les 6 étapes simples que vous devez suivre.

1. Remplissez votre biographie de panache (utilisez judicieusement le lien du site Web)

Que vous soyez une entreprise qui démarre sur Instagram ou une personne qui ouvre un compte pour gagner de l’argent, vous devez publier de manière stratégique.

La bio est un précieux bien immobilier sur Instagram. C’est là que vous pouvez présenter votre profil à vos nouveaux visiteurs. Alors, gardez votre texte simple, net et direct. J’aime comment Magazine Foundr le fait sur leur Instagram.

Il y a 3 aspects importants supplémentaires qu’ils font bien:

  • Ils offrent un numéro GRATUIT pour prouver leur valeur
  • Utilisez des emojis pour diriger l’utilisateur vers son CTA (rappelez-vous, je vous ai dit les émojis augmentent les conversions. De plus, ils vous font sourire)
  • Leur lien biologique (puissant parce que c’est le seul lien cliquable sur Instagram) dirige l’utilisateur vers une page de destination personnalisée.

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Vous pouvez également montrer votre créativité et votre personnalité dans la biographie. Si c’est mémorable et accrocheur, les gens sont plus susceptibles d’appuyer sur le bouton « Suivre ». Après avoir lu Bio de Luvvie ci-dessous, Je suis sûr que la plupart d’entre vous sont intrigués.

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C’est comme ça que vous voulez que votre bio soit aussi: intéressante.

De plus, votre photo / logo de marque doit être une image claire et de haute qualité. Pourquoi?

Eh bien, c’est une plate-forme visuelle, et les gens veulent mettre un visage sur les mots que vous prononcez sur Instagram.

Conseil de pro: Vous pouvez envoyer des utilisateurs Instagram à votre lien biologique à plusieurs reprises tout au long de vos publications. Un moyen de changer à plusieurs reprises le lien bio utilise bit.ly. Si vous mettez en place un lien bit.ly dans la biographie, vous pouvez changer la destination sous-jacente dans bit.ly en arrière-plan.

2. Publiez régulièrement et interagissez avec les commentateurs

J’ai une relation formidable avec mes amis et ma famille.

Vous voulez savoir comment je gère efficacement mes relations avec eux? En passant régulièrement du temps avec eux, en partageant ce qui se passe dans ma vie et en écoutant ce qu’ils ont à dire. Je les appelle de manière proactive quand je n’ai pas eu de nouvelles d’eux depuis un moment.

Instagram fonctionne de la même manière. Après tout, c’est une plate-forme sociale – une extension de nos interactions hors ligne. En effet, il est basé sur des données.

Dans leurs analyse de plus de 100 000 publications Instagram (sur une période de 3 mois), Tailwind a constaté qu’une fréquence plus élevée était synonyme d’un engagement plus élevé.

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Votre taux de croissance d’Instagram augmente également.

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Et ce qui est moins évident, c’est que la plupart des comptes Instagram ne font pas l’effort de publier tous les jours. Prenez juste le temps de devenir actif sur Instagram.

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Cerise sur le gâteau interagit avec les commentateurs d’un post.

Ne laissez aucune conversation sans surveillance. Vous pouvez même créer un hashtag et inciter vos abonnés à envoyer leur contenu qui figure sur votre profil. Le contenu généré par l’utilisateur est authentique et augmente la fidélité et la crédibilité de votre marque.

#Ipster est un excellent exemple de contenu généré par l’utilisateur. Il a 24,562 messages qui font la promotion authentique de la boîte d’abonnement Ipsy.

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Bien que la publication régulière soit un must, il est également important que vous publiez au bon moment.

Comme je l’ai je te l’ai déjà dit, nous jouons avec nos téléphones tout le temps. Mais il est préférable de poster pendant les pauses et lorsque les gens font la navette le matin / le soir.

En outre, les jours de semaine peuvent entraîner une baisse de l’engagement par rapport aux week-ends. Ici sont les résultats de Sprout Social.

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3. Utilisez des hashtags pertinents avec chaque publication et montrez votre esprit en légendes.

Les hashtags existent depuis 2007 sur les plateformes de médias sociaux pour regrouper les publications sur un thème similaire. Et ils fonctionnent extrêmement bien sur Instagram. La plateforme vous permet d’ajouter jusqu’à 30 hashtags (c’est beaucoup) par publication.

Je recommande d’utiliser entre 10 et 15 hashtags dans chaque publication. Conservez la légende du texte pour ajouter plus de contexte à votre message. Même si vous ajoutez des hashtags dans le premier commentaire, Instagram les récupérera.

Par exemple: regardez le Message fondateur ci-dessous. Ils utilisent la légende pour décrire leur 36e numéro de magazine et leur contenu sur Gary Vaynerchuk.

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Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de hashtag aléatoire. Tenez toujours compte de la pertinence et de la concurrence. Je vous recommande de faire des recherches antérieures sur la concurrence. Trouvez les hashtags couramment utilisés dans votre créneau et voyez le nombre de publications existantes pour un hashtag particulier.

#Marketing avait 11 294 699 messages au moment de la rédaction de ce message. Après avoir vérifié le nombre de publications et collecté les hashtags, je vous recommande de créer 3 catégories: faible concurrence, concurrence moyenne et haute concurrence.

Créez une feuille de calcul et compilez votre recherche. Voici un exemple de feuille de calcul pour l’auto-amélioration et le stoïcisme où moins de 12 000 publications correspondent à une faible concurrence, 12 000 à 100 000 à une concurrence moyenne et plus de 100 000 à une concurrence élevée.

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Lorsque vous publiez une mise à jour, utilisez des hashtags des trois catégories. De cette façon, vous aurez une meilleure chance d’apparaître plus haut dans les résultats des hashtags de faible concurrence tout en obtenant une exposition décente avec les hashtags de haute concurrence.

Voyons maintenant les légendes.

Vous obtenez environ 2 000 personnages pour faire preuve de créativité, raconter une histoire et montrer la personnalité de votre marque. Il n’y a pas de règles. Vous devez connaître votre public et être prêt à expérimenter.

Même quelques mots et un emoji peuvent ajouter du contexte à votre message.

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Ou vous pouvez devenir plus descriptif et raconter des faits sur votre message comme Nat Geo.

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Garyvee le fait fonctionner avec des lignes simples nettes. Parfois même un mot.

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De plus, je vous recommande de jouer avec les emojis et d’utiliser @mentions pour donner des cris aux autres utilisateurs d’Instagram. dans le poster ci-dessous, Starbucks célèbre la Journée nationale rose avec un emoji coeur rose.

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À l’occasion, vous pouvez simplement utiliser un CTA pour diriger les gens vers l’action que vous souhaitez qu’ils prennent. C’est ce que HubSpot a fait dans le post ci-dessous. Ils ont partagé leur succès avec leurs partisans et les ont engagés en posant une question sur le leadership.

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Les CTA alternatifs incluent demander aux gens d’afficher le lien dans votre biographie, « appuyez deux fois si vous êtes d’accord », « marquez un ami », « partagez si vous êtes d’accord », etc. Vous devez cependant utiliser ces CTA directs de temps en temps, sinon vous hors de votre public.

4. Améliorez la qualité de votre contenu (et mélangez-le)

Depuis Instagram a arrêté de montrer le contenu chronologiquement, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de publier du contenu médiocre. La concurrence sur la plateforme est élevée:

Vous ne pouvez pas vous en tirer avec ces deux aspects.

je. Images de faible qualité: C’est une plate-forme visuelle, donc les images floues et sans intérêt ne feront pas la coupe. Vous ne pouvez pas non plus faire avec ces photos à 1 $. Gardez-le original et restez transparent. Pensez à partager les détails de votre compte avec vos employés.

Un excellent exemple est HubSpot. Ils donnent un visage à leur marque en laissant leurs employés reprendre leur Instagram et partager leurs événements de la vie sous #hubspotemployeetakeover et #humansofhubspot.

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jeje. Emplacements de produits répétés: Les gens utilisent Instagram pour avoir un aperçu visuel de la vie de leurs amis et de leur famille. Ils veulent aussi voir le côté authentique des marques, ne pas se faire bombarder d’offres promotionnelles. Vous pouvez éduquer et inspirer votre public avec des citations comme Melyssa le fait dans le post ci-dessous.

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Occasionnellement, vous pouvez organiser des concours et présenter vos clients. Mais ne faites la promotion de vos produits sur Instagram qu’environ 20% du temps.

5. Démarquez-vous en produisant du contenu vidéo

Les vidéos sont un format enrichissant pour la communication visuelle. C’est un excellent moyen d’ajouter du muscle à votre narration. Comme nous le savons déjà, 2017 est année de marketing vidéo. Et 55% de la consommation vidéo totale sur mobile concerne les vidéos de moins de 5 minutes.

Instagram permet aux utilisateurs de publier jusqu’à 60 secondes de vidéos. Selon une étude Newswhip, Les principaux éditeurs de médias publient une bonne dose de contenu vidéo sur leurs comptes Instagram. De plus, si vous considérez l’engagement, les vidéos ont suscité un nombre de commentaires plus élevé (767 en moyenne) que les photos (373 en moyenne).

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Ce qui est fantastique, c’est que vous pouvez ajouter des transitions à des vidéos bâclées, éditer des vidéos précédemment tournées dans d’autres applications en dehors d’Instagram et télécharger, ajouter du son, ou simplement rester simple. N’oubliez pas que ce sont les médias sociaux. Les gens ne s’attendent pas à la perfection et à un contenu trop formel.

Considérez, par exemple, le Vidéo Gates of Hell que Tim Ferris a partagé pour son compte. Même une photo du Darvaza Gas Crater nous aurait hypnotisés. Mais une vidéo ajoute un niveau de profondeur avec le son d’un feu éblouissant.

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6. Établissez des relations avec des influenceurs et d’autres entreprises

Lorsque vous débutez, publier plus de contenu de haute qualité et utiliser des sous-titres convaincants ne vous mènera que jusqu’à présent. Ils sont comme les conditions de conformité pour garantir que votre compte ne tombe pas à plat.

Si vous voulez vous développer rapidement, vous avez besoin d’une aide externe pour attirer l’attention d’Instagram. Vous devez cultiver des relations avec les utilisateurs avancés dans votre créneau et emprunter leur influence.

Il y a maintenant deux façons de procéder.

Le premier fait un shoutout pour shoutout (S4S). Dans le cadre de cette stratégie, vous recherchez des comptes Instagram dans votre créneau et leur demandez de partager vos publications en échange de votre partage des leurs. Weekhack s’est appuyé sur cette stratégie dans son cheminement vers la réalisation plus de 50 000 abonnés en seulement 8 mois.

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La deuxième façon est d’acheter des shoutouts Instagram (ce qui est aussi un moyen de gagner de l’argent). Il s’agit essentiellement de payer des frais par poste aux comptes avec des suivis massifs pour vous mentionner ou vous recommander.

Le magazine Foundr s’est appuyé sur des remerciements payés pour gagnez 14k followers en 2 semaines. Nous discuterons de la stratégie plus en détail plus loin dans l’article.

Note spéciale sur les histoires Instagram

Instagram a rapidement vu les histoires monter 200 millions d’utilisateurs chaque jour. Les gens aiment partager et voir la vie quotidienne de leurs amis. Le fait que les histoires soient éphémères par nature et ne durent que 24 heures crée un sentiment d’urgence.

L’utilisation d’histoires est un ajout formidable à votre plan directeur de marketing Instagram. En effet, un tiers des histoires les plus vues proviennent d’entreprises.

Dans le flux de l’utilisateur, ils apparaissent comme une liste de lecture vidéo. Je recommande de faire environ 5 histoires par jour. Vous pouvez écrire sur des photos et créer une vidéo bien composée qui attirera l’attention du public.

J’aime la façon dont la marque de vêtements Au-delà du yoga exploite les histoires. Ils exposent leurs produits en action et rapprochent leurs prospects de la marque. De plus, ils ont un CTA sur les photos pour acheter leur produit.

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Je vous recommande de tester et de vous amuser avec des vidéos en direct (vous pouvez maintenant même rejouer des vidéos en direct comme une histoire Instagram), des autocollants, des filtres et d’autres fonctionnalités créatives Instagram. Instagram récompense la créativité et une nouvelle fonctionnalité a un effet de nouveauté sur les utilisateurs. Vous vous démarquez automatiquement lorsque votre stratégie d’affichage diffère des autres marques.

Très bien, maintenant que nous avons arrêté la stratégie marketing, voyons comment vous pouvez gagner de l’argent sur Instagram.

Instagram Money Tactic # 1 – Vendez vos photos

Les sites de photos sont énormes ces jours-ci.

Si vous gérez un blog ou tout type de site Web, il y a de fortes chances que vous ayez utilisé des images d’archives à un moment donné.

Mais la stratégie dépend de vos compétences en photographie. Si vous êtes amateur, ne vous attendez pas à gagner des milliers de dollars chaque mois. Je ne suis pas un photographe professionnel.

Je suis le plus proche utiliser des outils sur mes blogs pour s’assurer qu’ils sont visuellement attrayants. Pourtant, j’ai développé un œil pour de superbes photos sur lesquelles les entreprises sont prêtes à dépenser de l’argent.

4 conseils de photographie pour une balade en douceur sur Instagram

Ce n’est en aucun cas un tutoriel sur la photographie. Mais vous vendrez vos photos à des marques, vous devez donc comprendre leurs exigences. Voici quelques conseils sur la photographie du point de vue d’un responsable marketing.

1. Les marques valorisent l’authenticité – Vous pouvez conserver les photos posées et mises en scène pour votre portfolio de mariage. Sur Instagram, les photos du monde réel sont vénérées. Les directeurs artistiques, les entreprises et les éditeurs adorent les photos qui se trouvent dans des environnements sociaux.

En effet, les marchés comme Snapwire prospèrent grâce aux photos sociales capturées sur les téléphones. Dans un cas particulier, une entreprise pharmaceutique canadienne payé jusqu’à 6 000 $ pour une photo (à partir de 52 soumissions) de personnes ayant un course de ferroutage (pour cinq ans d’exclusivité).

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2. Abandonnez le format carré – Bien sûr, Instagram a commencé dans un format carré et les gens y sont habitués psychologiquement, mais je recommande de cliquer sur les photos au format paysage / portrait. Les photos carrées ne sont généralement pas considérées comme l’œuvre d’un photographe.

Avec une image verticale, vous pourriez avoir du mal avec la vignette. Mais ils contiennent plus de détails et vous donnent un terrain de jeu plus artistique. Vous pouvez également opter pour le format horizontal. Actuellement, Instagram autorise les photos et les vidéos avec des proportions entre 1,91: 1 et 4: 5.

3. Tirez parti des bordures blanches – Un artiste professionnel sait où il veut concentrer l’attention de son spectateur. L’artiste comprend comment utiliser l’espace vide et atteindre un certain ratio pour les images. Si vous utilisez des bordures de couleur blanche, vous pouvez également contrôler la façon dont votre photo apparaît dans les flux (mais n’oubliez pas que l’algorithme Instagram affiche les miniatures de vos photos sous la forme carrés recadrés).

4. Expérience avec des couches plates – Les mises à plat sont un excellent moyen de promouvoir les marques personnelles et de montrer que vous êtes un professionnel. C’est le photo d’une variété d’articles stylisés ensemble sur une surface plane et pris à vol d’oiseau.

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Choisissez soigneusement la façon dont vous prendrez la photo (afin qu’elle soit visuellement attrayante): tiers supérieur, tiers inférieur, centre ou placé uniformément. Votre éclairage, votre palette de couleurs et votre angle de prise de vue jouent également un rôle essentiel. N’oubliez pas qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un assortiment d’articles, mais plutôt de la création d’un récit convaincant. Vous pouvez également utiliser du texte pour ajouter du contexte.

Regardez avec élégance rawolutionary_me a partagé la recette du smoothie au matcha vert avec 3 articles composites et un petit texte.

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En tant que photographe, les plans plats sont un excellent moyen de montrer votre créativité à des clients potentiels. C’est une compétence de photographie de produits tendance qui vous donnera un avantage sur les autres photographes.

Voici le rôle qu’Instagram joue pour vous aider à vendre vos photos: Lors de mes rencontres avec les clients, on me demande à plusieurs reprises l’intention derrière l’adoption d’une stratégie marketing. Permettez-moi donc d’expliquer comment Instagram peut s’avérer utile aux photographes.

Je sais que vous pourriez avoir une configuration de profil de portefeuille professionnel chez Behance (et même Dribbble). Mais à quand remonte la dernière fois que vous les avez mis à jour?

Instagram est beaucoup plus pertinent et puissant que ces sites Web de portefeuille. Vous pouvez promouvoir gratuitement votre photographie en utilisant des hashtags pertinents. Les utilisateurs recherchent un contenu visuel et attendent de fournir une validation sociale à votre photo. Dès que vous publiez, vous obtenez une rétroaction immédiate sous forme de likes, de commentaires et de partages.

En tant que photographe, vous pouvez considérer Instagram comme votre journal quotidien.

Une fois votre journal configuré, vous pouvez tirer parti de la plateforme pour entrer en contact directement avec vos clients potentiels. À l’heure actuelle, vous pouvez envoyer un message direct (DM) à n’importe quel utilisateur sur Instagram.

Alors, qu’est-ce que ça signifie pour vous?

Gary Vaynerchuk a souligné que 2017 est l’année de réseautage avec Instagram, car la plateforme explose et vous avez «un accès sans précédent» à des personnalités influentes. Vous pouvez présenter votre proposition de valeur aux marques en tant que DM.

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Étude de cas: Comment gagner 15 000 $ en une journée en vendant vos photos Instagram?

Daniel Arnold était un photographe (presque) fauché qui passait environ 8 heures à se promener et à prendre des photos de New York avec son iPhone. Il ne savait pas comment il allait payer le loyer du mois suivant.

Un jour, à l’occasion de son 34e anniversaire, il a pensé vendre des tirages 4 × 6 de ses archives Instagram. Il a donc mis en place un message à minuit demandant à ses followers d’envoyer une capture d’écran de leur choix de photos.

Il ne s’attendait pas à ce que son les photos recevraient 15 000 $ de demandes dont 1 000 $ par pièce pour ses photos les plus populaires. Certaines de ses photos les plus commandées incluent le métro (pantless) Père Noël et celui ci-dessous.Capture d'écran 2017 24 24 à 17 h 33 min 35 s «src =» https://neilpatel.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Screen-Shot-2017-06-24-at-5.33.35-PM. png

Bien que le cas de Daniel puisse être une valeur aberrante, cela montre que gagner de l’argent sur Instagram est réel.

Comment gagner sur Instagram avec vos photos: Foap et 4 autres places de marché

Passons au processus de vente de vos photos Instagram.

Il y a quelque temps, je suis tombé sur un site Web appelé Foap, qui s’est surnommée «la prochaine vague de photographie de stock».

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Rather than brands paying big money for photos from professionals or settling for those mediocre (and often cheesy) stock photo sites, Foap is becoming a popular alternative.

Voici comment ça fonctionne:

  1. You sign up
  2. You build a profile
  3. You create a portfolio of your best images that you’d like to sell
  4. You earn $5 for each image you sell (you can sell the same image an unlimited number of times)

Here’s a quick overview of the sign-up process. Click “Sign Up” from the Foap homepage.

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Select “Photographer,” which indicates that you want to sell images.

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Then, either download it from the App Store or get it on Google Play.

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Click “Install.”

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You’re good to go, and you can start selling your Instagram photos.

One feature that you’ll want to check out is called “Missions.”

This is where you can connect with some of the world’s biggest brands and attempt to sell them your photos.

Here are a few examples of current Missions that are posted on Foap.

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You’ll often be up against a considerable amount of competition, but it’s a chance to make some bigger money.

In this case, you would earn $100 if your photo was chosen. However, there are some missions where you can earn $500. The thing I like about Foap is that you don’t need to have a huge Instagram following to make money.

Now let me quickly show you around 4 more marketplaces where you can sell your photos.

None of these will help you make significant money alone, so you’ve to opt for presence on multiple marketplaces and see what works for you.

1. 500px – This is a community of photographers with 80 million photos. It’s a great platform to get exposure and license your photos.

You can set up a profile, include your contact info, and start uploading your photos. Here’s how your account will look (you get metrics like affection, photo views, and followers).

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500px has seen as much as $20,000 for one photo.

Here are a few strategies that will help you sell more on the marketplace:

  1. Use 4 to 5 keywords for every photo – They will help your work get discovered by the buyer,
  2. Research and shoot stuff that nobody else is clicking
  3. Share exclusive photos with 500px so that you can negotiate higher prices
  4. Ensure that you added your contact information

The marketplace can serve as a passive income stream. Their CEO shared how he made $1,600 within 2 months.

2. Twenty20 – Twenty20 is another marketplace to sell your Instagram photos. Sign up on the web or download their iPhone App. Any photo you put up is for sale. But you retain the rights to the photo and it can get sold multiple times.

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Il y a 3 ways to make money on the marketplace:

  1. $2 per licensed photo
  2. Photo challenges (where there’s a high reward but higher competition as well)
  3. Commissioning work from brands.

3. Snapwire – This marketplace is all about authentic custom photo licensing. But contrary to 500px, they encourage you to upload as many high-quality photos as possible. Again, you need to use relevant keywords with your photos in order to get easily discovered by brands.

In the beginning, you’re expected to submit your photos to as many challenges as possible.

When you consistently upload your photos, you’re allocated points. By doing so, you level up and increase your opportunity to make more money. Snapwire elaborates the 7 levels that a user goes through on their platform ici.

What’s interesting is that Snapwire offers a ‘recently purchased’ section on their website. It can help you understand buyer requirements and inspire your future photography.

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4. Lobster.Media – You can join this platform for free and list your Instagram photos for licensing by using the #ilobsterit. You can also opt out of selling your private photos.

For each sale, you keep 75% of the listed price.

The Lobster marketplace is huge in size with 30 billion videos and photos curated from various social media platforms (including YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, Vimeo, and Google Photos).

Il y a various collections (content themes) under which you can choose to create and sell your photos.

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The key to selling on Lobster is asking for a realistic price (when starting out least), presenting your work beautifully and marketing it on social media. L’entreprise recently raised $1,300,000 to scale its UGC marketplace. So I would watch out for the new opportunities on the platform.

Note: On all the marketplaces, please put up your highest-resolution photos.

Instagram Money Tactic #2 – Sponsored posts

I’ll preface by saying that this is the most common tactic to earn money with Instagram.

Simultaneously, it isn’t viable for people with a few hundred followers. The bright side is that people with over 7 million followers get paid up to $150,000 per post.

Now there are a couple of ways to make money from Instagram sponsored posts.

1. The genuine way (audience-first approach): You post pictures around your interests, and they show your personality. Sure you follow a planned marketing strategy (as we discussed above), but you’re being you. As you share pictures and build your influence organically, relevant brands will approach you.

2. Create a persona (business-minded approach): Since you’re aware that Instagram sponsored posts can be lucrative, you work towards that. So you look out for the most profitable niches and observe the posting strategy of the brands you’ll target.

From there, you post high-quality content, strategically using hashtags relevant to the brand’s audience. Not that this way is wrong or dishonest, it’s just goal-oriented to make money on Instagram. It’s pure business, but you must enjoy the process. Otherwise, your Instagram content will lose its realness.

Anthony Carboni at Wolf Millionaire followed this second approach. He now owns 30+ Instagram accounts with more than 18 million real followers, and he makes $20,000 – $25,000 per month.

Not too shabby, eh?

I’ve personally worked with Anthony in the past – his strategies helped me make over $330,000 on Instagram in merely 3 months.

The second way sounds similar to the make money online authority site business model that many internet marketers have followed over the past 5 years or so.

For instance: The awesome guys at Authority Hacker have created the business persona of Helen Sanders at Health Ambitions.

They outreach, guest post, and promote their content under her name, and there can be multiple people behind her content, emails, and social media updates. A persona helps to make business processes convenient and scalable.

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Remember that in both of the above ways, you have to keep your content authentic, high-quality, and valuable.

Don’t pursue sponsored posts simply to make money without believing in the brand you’re promoting. Taking too many of such posts will also burn your audience’s interest and lead to loss of trust in your brand.

Want a quick way to determine the amount of money you can make from a sponsored post?

Look to Due.com founder John Rampton. He believes you should start with $0.25-$0.50 per “like” and $1.00 per comment. Multiply that by the number of likes and comments of your average post and you’re good to go.

Additionally, here’s a plug and play tool by FashionPRGirl. Let’s try to calculate fees for the million followers strong Foundr Magazine account.

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Here are the results.

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$600+ for every sponsored post they would do. That’s good money. You also get a list of the last 30 hashtags that they have used.

Here’s how to make money from Instagram with sponsored posts…

Alright now, let’s drill down the essentials for making money from the platform.

As already discussed, you need a sizeable following of about 5,000 followers and a high engagement rate.

Once you satisfy these criteria, here’s a simplistic version of how making money works:

  1. You create a sponsored Instagram post (it could be a photo or video)
  2. You include a branded hashtag, mention, or link to promote a brand
  3. You share it with your audience
  4. You get paid

Let me give you an example to get a better idea of the concept of sponsored posts.

A couple of years back, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released.

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To create buzz, Lucasfilm and HP used sponsored posts as an integral promotional strategy.

More specifically, they asked musician, Rudy Mancuso to create his own version of the Star Wars theme song.

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Here he is with his dog that looks a lot like Chewbacca.

As you can see, this post received over 66,000 likes!

Now Rudy is not some huge celebrity like Kanye or Taylor Swift, but he’s got a huge following.

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He was able to capitalize on that to receive a nice payday.

Time for cleaning up your sponsored posts campaign

Since you’re going to collaborate with multiple brands and help them run their marketing campaigns, you need to stay organized. I suggest creating a personalized package for all the brands you work with.

Before you start a campaign, try to find out the brand’s marketing budget, their requirements, and the problems they are facing. This can prove useful to negotiate your price. You also need to establish clear metrics for evaluating the success of your campaign.

Here are a few ways to measure the performance of your campaign and the value you’re creating for brands.

  • Increase in their Instagram following – Most brands will want to see their Instagram audience jump up if nothing else. If your audience trusts you, then many will press the follow button on the brands you recommend.
  • Website traffic – Sure Instagram only allows links in the bio, but by using UTM parameters and Google Analytics, a brand can segregate the surge in traffic from your Instagram account. Again it’s an indicator of your influence.
  • Product sales – I would say this is the metric all businesses want to see. If your word has the influence to get a majority of your audience to buy products, then brands will flock to you.

Try a couple of dry runs on your own site. Then once you get the idea, agree on a price with the brand and over-deliver on your promise.

If you understand your audience well and they respond to your endorsements, then you can quote a value-based price instead of a fixed dollar for every post.

Alright, it’s time for posting your listing and let brands approach you by signing up as an influencer at Fashion PR Girl. You can also respond to existing collaboration requests by brands here.

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Initially, you might need to continuously reach out to brands with a request for sponsored posts. In the video below, Chrystie shows you how you can organize your outreach using Trello.

6 influencer marketing marketplaces to earn money on Instagram

Instead of outreaching, you can also explore existing opportunities on marketplaces. Let me introduce you to six platforms.

1. TribeIt’s available as an iOS/Android app and acts as a bridge between talent agents and influencers. You can browse leading brands, control your creativity, and tag a brand to get paid for your post.

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Here’s an approximate rate card Tribe found via research – it’s based on the number of followers of your account.

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2. InfluicityIt’s a massive influencer marketing platform with a database of over 3 million influencers. You’re required to fill out a brief form with personal details and those of your target audience.

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Once you’ve claimed your profile, you’ll get a console to get content creation opportunities by advertisers, collaborate on campaigns, and submit your content for review. pasted image 0 129

3. HyprbrandsThey claim to be the world’s largest influencer discovery and directory tool. Their USP is the real-time social analytics tools. For all influencer posts, brands get to measure impact including audience demographics, estimated view count, and sales.

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As you can understand HYPR is brand focused, but you can sign up as an influencer on their platform by filling out this form.

4. RevfluenceAnother influencer marketing platform for Instagram and YouTube with diverse niches ranging from beauty to gaming. You can submit your proposal for campaigns to brands and you’re even recommended by the platform to brands as shown below.

You can get paid between $50 to $1000 per Instagram post/YouTube shoutout.

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Scentbird used Revinfuence extensively to pursue influencer marketing and speaks highly of it. Brands are presented with a dashboard that shows important metrics for your campaigns including the ROI they obtained.

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Sign up as a creator on the platform ici.

5. FamebitIt’s an influencer marketing platform owned by Google. It mainly consists of paid YouTube creation opportunities. Due to recent changes in how Instagram handles third-party APIs, you can’t connect your Instagram account with Famebit.

But in your proposal, you can include an additional fee for Instagram.

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6. HypetapIt’s an invitation-only influencer marketing platform that charges 10% per transaction.

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They accept people that create high-quality content and have a decent following on social media. You express your interest in being considered as an influencer by filling out the form ici.

If you want to check your influence and see whether you qualify for an invitation, then head over ici and enter your Instagram username.

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Bonus platform for ambitious folks: Tapinfluence

The average monthly compensation for an influencer at Tapinfluence is $763.50.

They are different in their approach compared to other influencer marketing platforms as influencers don’t need to apply for sponsored post opportunities with brands. Instead, brands express interest in working with you, and you’re informed about the same.

You can sign up on the platform by signing up ici. Fill out your profile, media kit, and other details. A lifestyle and travel blogger, Morgan, loves the platform as it facilitated a lot of sponsored post opportunities for her.

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How do you create an Influencer Marketing Agreement?

Legal jargon and hassles aren’t fun. But trust me, agreements are important for effectively carrying out business transactions. In my career as an entrepreneur, I’ve witnessed many legal fallouts.

So I recommend that you set the expectations straight and ensure a mutually beneficial partnership with brands. I want to help you get started.

Note: All of the agreement details here are for reference purposes. Treat them only as a starting point. I am not an attorney – please consult a professional if you want legal advice.

If you aren’t using a third-party influence marketing platform, then your agreement should include these campaign details.

  • the expected posting schedule and overall length of the campaign
  • specifics of content (image specifications/creative control)
  • details on how payments will be made

Know what you’re getting yourself into

Does your contract have an exclusivity/non-compete clause? Review the guidelines sent by the brand carefully. There’s no issue with getting into an exclusive contract, but you can leverage the clause to negotiate higher prices.

Voici un sample influencer agreement by PR News.

Conseil de pro: If you have a prominent web presence, you can package a blog post, Twitter, and Facebook post along with Instagram posts to create a high-value bundle. Anna Dille Cobb runs a fashion and recipe site and charges $250 to $400 for such a package. You can create your own bundle using Fohrcard.

Instagram Money Tactic #3 – Affiliate marketing through Instagram shoutouts

Let’s now look to the other end of the spectrum where you pay influencers to promote an affiliate product.

It involves using Instagram shoutouts, which are defined as “a screenshot of another user’s profile page uploaded to your account to show support and give exposure to the other user. Shoutouts can increase a user’s followers and provide advertising to small businesses and websites.”

Here’s how you can take advantage of this tactic.

First, you need to have an affiliate product to promote. If you want to promote a particular brand’s product that you like, then go ahead. Otherwise, here are a few affiliate networks and the kinds of products they offer.

1. ClickbankIt’s the go-to platform for most first-time bloggers looking to monetize their traffic. The network has a bank of high-quality products across categories that you can promote as an affiliate. You’ll get a gravity score indicating how well the product is selling for other affiliates over the past 12 weeks. I recommend you to start with products that are selling well already.

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2. ShareASaleAnother popular affiliate marketing network with products across 40 categories. Signing up is a simple 5-step process. ShareASale recommends creating license plate links (custom links) to keep track of your product promotions on social media.

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3. OfferVaultTechnically, this isn’t an affiliate network. Rather, they are an aggregator (reference tool) to find products for promoting. So if you like an offer, you’ll need to sign up for the affiliate network which listed that offer directly. Your questions about an offer also need to get cleared with the network directly.

Here are a few offers I found for Instagram.

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4. Peerfly It’s a cost per action based affiliate network with a custom built system. For promoting products on the network through Instagram, you’ll need to setup a custom tracking domain. And you’ll need to run your campaign through the affiliate manager before going live with your promotions. Voici les complete guidelines.

To sign up at Peerfly, you can submit your application here.

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5. MaxBountyAnother CPA network that claims to offer the best rates in the industry. They have over 1,500 campaigns across various domains including education, health dating, games, finance, and the like. If you make $1,000 consecutively for 3 months after signing up, then they even offer you a $1,000 bonus.

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6. TeespringWhile selling T-shirts might not sound like a lucrative business, there are people like Benny Hsu that have made $100,000 in profits from the platform within 5 months.

Teespring recommends using your campaign URL and relevant hashtags when promoting your Teespring products on Instagram.

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If the idea sounds interesting, then check out the detailed post by Wolf Millionaire on building a successful T-Shirt business on Instagram.

So, how do you pick the right product to promote on your Instagram account?

Pat Flynn makes a killing from affiliate marketing. But if you look at the products he promotes, you don’t see different categories. Most of his income is generated from promoting products related to entrepreneurship and marketing. And all of those products are of supreme quality, built by awesome companies.

So the idea on Instagram remains the same. You need to find your niche and stick with it. Then, you need to find products that are already converting well for other affiliates and getting rave reviews by customers. If you would never buy the product you’re promoting, then you’re doing it wrong.

Hire influencers by buying shoutouts

Here’s what you want to do once you’ve found a suitable product.

Aller à Shoutcart.com.

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This is a marketplace where you can find quality influencers who have large followings and “buy shoutouts” from them.

It’s an incredibly effective way to get the word out about an affiliate product in a short period of time without having to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Voici comment ça fonctionne.

You browse through Shoutcart’s list of featured Instagram influencers to find someone who’s in the right niche that matches your product.

Here are some examples.

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You then look for an influencer with the reach you’re looking for and that’s within your price range.

Shoutouts can be as cheap as $5 and as expensive as several hundred dollars.

You can also use tools to refine your search.

For instance, you can search by category.

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Or you can select the minimum number of followers you want an influencer to have or their quality score (this determines the authenticity of likes and followers on an account).

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Let me help you with a few more platforms where you can buy shoutouts.

4 platforms to buy shoutouts

  • Buy Sell Shoutouts – Here are the 4 steps to buying a shoutout from $5 and upwards on the platform.

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  • Plug HypeAn influencer marketing platform connecting brands and influencers in these niches. Shoutouts available starting $15.

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  • JumpfameIt’s a social media marketplace that has influencers in various niches offering shoutouts (and some offer to put your link in the bio).

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  • Grin.coBesides shoutouts on various social media, they also offer art and design assistance.

Examining key stats

So here’s the deal.

You don’t want to buy shoutouts from just anyone.

There are a few things in particular that you should look for, which include:

  • Number of likes an account gets per post
  • The bio and description of the account

I think that this article from IFTI SEO hits the nail on the head in terms of specific stats to look for.

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The bottom line here is that 50,000 followers should be the bare minimum and you’re looking for plenty of engagement.

After all, it doesn’t do you any good if no one’s actually engaging with the Instagram account.

Once you’ve found the perfect fit, you’ll want to add the influencer to your cart, create your order, schedule, and pay.

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C’est ça.

You should receive an influx of traffic.

And if you’ve chosen the right product, you’ll see some fantastic sales figures.

From there, you can rinse and repeat by experimenting with different combinations of products and influencers.

Here are some tips on posting great shoutout content:

When it comes to promoting a product, you need to ensure that the post is attractive but doesn’t look too salesy. Here are a few tips.

  • Include one CTA – If you ask people to follow the link in the bio and follow your Instagram account, they might not do either of the two.
  • Don’t use the product image – People care about results. Show them the product you’re promoting in action and how it can positively affect their lives.
  • Only use relevant hashtags – Overloading with 30 hashtags shows you’re desperate for exposure and selling.
  • Shorten your link – If a long string of characters is lurking around your link, then it equates to bad user experience. Use bit.ly to maintain a professional and clean look.

Pro Tip: Instead of asking for a sale directly in a shoutout, you can also capture email addresses by offering a lead magnet on dedicated landing pages. Once you build a relationship with your subscribers, the revenue you can generate will be many times over the money you make from simply putting up your affiliate link.

How do you handle backlash while promoting products?

Snezana Markoski was highly criticized when she promoted a coffee scrub on her Instagram account with her daughter. We don’t want you to come under a similar situation.

It’s not uncommon for influencers to get criticized. When you have such a massive reach, you also have a responsibility toward people from different cultures and ethnicities. You need to understand that they have different sensibilities.

So even if a post is remotely controversial, think twice. Controversy can hamper your brand image and ruin your future chances of making money from Instagram.

However, even if you try your very best to balance promotional posts with high-quality, value-adding posts, a few followers will retort with ‘you make money from Instagram’?

Here are a few tips to handle criticism:

1. Don’t respond to trolls: Remaining silent is better. An argument on social media will not only tarnish your image, it can also destroy your business.

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2. Stay transparent while promoting products – Even if the laws of your country allow you to promote products with disclosure, mention it. 69% of influencers say that their audience doesn’t question their authenticity when they label content as “sponsored” or “paid.”

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3. Only promote products you genuinely like – It’s a rule directly from Pat Flynn’s affiliate marketing playbook. Don’t do it purely for the hefty commissions.

Should you buy influencer shoutouts or use Instagram ads?

These two tactics rely on the same basic idea.

And that’s paying for nearly immediate exposure and getting a product in front of a widespread audience by shelling out some cash.

But the thing that I like about buying shoutouts is the massive audience you can reach essentially overnight.

Although the initial cost tends to be more for this tactic than PPC, the payoff can be much bigger.

Here’s what I mean.

You could pay a single Instagram influencer $30 for a shoutout.

That’s going to probably cost you much more than it would for a handful of clicks on PPC advertising. That’s true.

But you could potentially get the product you’re promoting in front of half a million or more prospects.

So when you think of it like that, buying shoutouts can be incredibly cost-effective.

Instagram Money Tactic #4 – Sell from your own online store

In terms of time investment, this tactic requires the most by far.

However, this can also net you the biggest returns.

Here’s the basic process that you’ll follow for this tactic.

  1. Open an online store (e.g. sell clothing on Zazzle, sell products on Shopify or on Etsy)
  2. Create an Instagram account that’s built around your niche
  3. Feature your products on your Instagram account
  4. Earn money

Here’s what I love about the Internet.

It has created an immense amount of opportunities for those who are clever enough to use the right resources to their advantage.

For instance, there are on-demand printing companies like Zazzle that allow you to design and sell your own clothing, hats, bags, stickers, etc. with absolutely no investment and zero overhead costs.

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You can then use other free resources like social media to promote your products and create a nice side hustle for yourself.

In fact, I’ve heard of multiple people earning five figures a month from this type of business model.

An awesome example

I would like to show you one specific Instagram page that’s completely killing it.

C’est appelé Doug the Pug.

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As the name implies, it’s all about the life of one of the Internet’s coolest and cuddliest pugs, Doug.

This page chronicles Doug’s life and takes followers along on his adventures.

As of June 2017, Doug the Pug had 2.7 million followers.

Doug has his own book entitled Doug the Pug: King of Pop Culture, which is pretty impressive considering that he can’t actually write.

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There’s also the Doug the Pug Official Store, which contains shirts, hats, mugs, plush dolls, and more.

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He even does appearances all around the country.

In other words, Doug’s owner has created a massive brand.

Et devine quoi?

It’s all basically centered around their Instagram page.

With 2.7 million followers, you can bet that they’re driving plenty of high-quality traffic to the store and consequently getting paid handsomely for it.

I personally think that this is a brilliant example of how Instagram can be used to build a brand from scratch.

I also think that Doug the Pug is definitely a template you could use to launch your own brand and sell from your online store.

Just use your creativity and come up with an interesting angle that will get people excited and eager to invest in your brand.

There’s no doubt that there is a significant time investment involved, but it can pay dividends if you’re able to establish a large and loyal audience.

The best part is all of the different ways you can monetize your brand later on.

Don’t start an online store without this…

What’s one critical aspect of a business transaction?


Unless you share a genuine connection with your audience, you’ll find it challenging to persuade them to buy from you. Here are a few tips to build a strong bond.

1. Walk in your customer’s shoes As a brand, you want to post content that helps your audience connect with you. Airbnb does a great job at portraying travel and meeting new people on their Instagram. They also share interesting trivia with their pictures. It makes their account interesting and more human.

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As an online store, you can display your products in Instagram posts.

Madewell, for example, does a fantastic job with this.

Take them behind the scenes – Put a face on your brand. Get people to know you and your brand. If you can show how you create your products, even better. People value honest and authentic content. That’s why this behind the scenes Instagram picture went viral.

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Get your users creating content There’s no bigger endorsement than your audience crafting content on your behalf. Adobe has a powerful set of graphic design tools and its Instagram feed shows that its customers put them to good use. Adobe does user-generated content the right way.

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Overall, tell a compelling visual story – Stay consistent with your posting schedule and create an interesting theme around your content. If you keep at it, then your audience will fall in love with you.

Set up a shop on Instagram – Since Instagram is mobile, the customer journey to buy your product can get real complicated. So why not set up your own shop on the platform and convert your audience into loyal shoppers?

A couple of apps you can consider for turning Instagram into a shoppable platform are Soldsie et Yotpo.

Case Study: Making money from Instagram by opening a clothing company

UNE Wolf Millionaire student grew his account votrends to 54k followers in 4 months and then went on to starting a clothing company.

They started with promoting products by other multiple brands on their Instagram account. And to launch their clothing line, they started by testing the response to 3 custom T-shirts. To increase the engagement, they even launched a giveaway.

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I recommend checking out the complete breakdown of how votrends is rocking their account in the video below.

How to make money on Instagram if you have an existing product

If you already own a store and want to extend your online presence to make money off Instagram, then the game is easier. You need to rely on your loyal customers to serve as your brand advocates. Because user-generated content leads to gaining immediate trust.
You can even create a user-generated gallery on your website that will serve as a powerful visual social proof. Yotpo offer the feature as a photo carousel.

You can also sell your digital products on Instagram.

Have you heard of Timothy Sykes?

He’s an expert at penny stocks and made millions investing in them.

Initially, he saw Instagram as a waste of time for his business. Eventually he ended up making $500k from the platform and getting attention by major media publications like Business Insider and Mirror.co.uk for his outrageous Instagram posts (like the one below).

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I’ve had great success with making money from Instagram by selling my training package (my existing product). I break down the complete process ici.

Instagram Money Tactic #5 – Become an Instagram marketing consultant

Do you know how I grew my first blog Pronet Advertising?
By consistently getting on the first page of Digg.

I would have loved to use search engines, but as you know it takes time to find great results quickly when it comes to  ranking for competitive keywords. In their analysis of 2 million keywords, Ahrefs found that only 22% of pages currently ranking in top 10 are less than an year old.

Social media is the go-to way to publicize your brand, especially if you’re a startup looking for an exponential growth. Businesses already know the importance of social media and want to integrate it in their marketing.

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What’s shocking is that 49% of businesses don’t have a formal strategy in place, even though businesses spend the most on the tactic.

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Struggling businesses present a terrific opportunity for you. If you know the social media ropes, then you can help brands climb quickly and command hefty sums.

Obviously, you can’t rely on Digg like me (it isn’t even relevant anymore). But Instagram is the platform of 2017 with the highest engagement rates and fastest growth since being launched.

And what’s interesting is that there aren’t any dedicated consultant sites that appear in Google results for the term “Instagram marketing consultant.” There are just a few relevant results including my blog post and an Upwork listing. This probably indicates that the market isn’t as competitive.

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So how much money can you make as a consultant?

I looked for Instagram marketing freelancers on Upwork and found consultants were making in the range of $16/hour to $75/hour. With experience and expertise, I am sure you can touch the upper end of that range.

Here is a simple 3-step process to make money through Instagram:

Are you new to the world of social media and Instagram?

Then you’ll need to establish your credibility and understand the Instagram marketing funnel.

That doesn’t mean getting hundreds and thousands of followers.

If you consistently follow the steps I mentioned in the “How to build a sizeable Instagram following” section, then you’re good to go. But you have to put  in the work to get the results.

Bryan Harris boils down the process in 3 steps.

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In this case, you’re through with the first step – you’re offering Instagram marketing to businesses. Now, you need to identify prospects willing to hire you and create a sales pitch.

Here’s the personalized pitch that Devesh sent to Brian Dean. He included an 8-minute video and explained how he can help Backlinko.

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Le résultat?
Deven earned a $10,000 contract with Backlinko.

If you can prepare a compelling Instagram marketing pitch for prospects, then you can also expect to close similar deals.

Instead of emailing, you have the option to reach out to businesses on Instagram itself through direct messages.

Here’s how to build a sustainable consultation business

If you’re in it for the long-term, then I recommend you follow the additional steps below for future-proofing your business.

1. Carefully decide your target market and start to market yourself on Instagram using the tactics we discussed in the “…sizeable Instagram following…” section. Building relationships with the influencers in your niche can change everything for you.

2. Build a portfolio of commendable work. Start with offering free help to local businesses and NGOs with their Instagram presence.

3. Track the amount of time you’re spending on various tasks (even when working for free) using apps like RescueTime, and create a process of how you’ll work with new consultant business customers.

  • There must be clear, concise, and regular communication with your clients
  • Use a simple dashboard with a few metrics to indicate the progress of their social media accounts. Even a simple spreadsheet can serve as a great tool. Voici 15 useful templates.

4. Market your services by writing guest posts. I’ve written extensively about how guest posting can increase your brand’s exposure and lead to a slew of inbound client requests. Brandon Seymour doubled his revenue as a consultant through a single guest post.

Optional (but highly recommended): Publish content on your blog regularly. If you write content on subjects that are of interest to your target audience, then it helps your site’s SEO. It helps your prospects find you and builds a brand asset that powers up your authority.

When consulting, remember client to client referrals are the best way to grow your business. So impress your clients and build a great relationship with them (you’ll increase your rates to hundreds of dollars per hour eventually).

How will you measure the success of your Instagram marketing?

You’ll need to mutually agree on the key metrics with your client that determines the ROI of your Instagram marketing. Here are a few you can rely on:

1. Growth in social following – Though the quality of followers is important, quantitative growth of social accounts shows the rate at which your client’s community is growing. Ideally, you should express the metric in a percentage and it shouldn’t decline.

For instance: Twitter is said to be dying a slow death because its growth rate continues to decline.

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2. Engagement – The best way to gauge if your audience is liking the content you’re sending out. Find out how often your audience is liking, commenting, and sharing your posts.

The per-follower interaction rate (organic) on Instagram is highest when compared against other social media, but it’s slowing down with increased competition.

3. Revenue – Instagram has opened achats on its platform. But even if you don’t use the feature, you can measure the indirect revenue resulting from your marketing efforts.

For example: Foundr magazine grew their Instagram following to 110,000 followers in 5 months, and they collected emails from their bio link – they estimated six figures in revenue from the platform that year.

4. Referral traffic from social media – Since Instagram only allows clickable links in the bio, measuring the referral traffic can be tricky. But Caitlin Brehm shows how you can perform magic with a Google Campaign URL and track your referrals.

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5. Performance of ads – If you’re running paid ads for your client to increase the visibility of their posts, then you need to separate your paid reach from organic.

Before we move on to the next Instagram money tactic, I have some more bonus stuff for you.

Here are 4 apps that will streamline social media account management for your clients:

1. Freshbooks – It’s a super cool tool to invoice your clients, track your time, send follow-ups, and organize your expenses. It’s recommended by successful entrepreneurs like Pat Flynn.

2. ConvertKitIf you direct Instagram users to your landing page, then you’ll need a tool for collecting emails, sending newsletters, and building a relationship with prospects. ConvertKit is an affordable solution with powerful features.

3. CyfeWant to track the impact of social media on the business? Cyfe creates a dashboard where you can monitor all necessary business data with beautiful visualizations. You can invite your clients to see the progress in real-time and even send automated weekly reports.

4. Plus tardIf you need to consistently login to Instagram to send updates, then you’ll waste a lot of time. Later allows you to plan and schedule your content calendar conveniently.

Instagram Money Tactic #6 – Package your expertise in a digital product and sell it to your Instagram audience

I’ve been blogging for over 12 years now. I’ve seen bloggers adopting various business models in this time. While putting up ads on the website remains the go-to way to make money, what’s stuck in the last few years is information products.

Video courses, eBooks, and webinars are real hot right now.

  • Popular self-improvement blogger James Clear sells his Habits Masterclass at $69 and $199.
  • ‘Learning How to Learn’ ninja Scott Young sells a course on Rapid Learning.
  • Bryan Harris sells online courses to get more email subscribers (like Get 10,000 Email Subscribers) and tools like Slingshot.
  • Video courses at Udemy sell like hot cakes.

When you package your content into an actionable course, people treat it with more respect and are willing to pay. That’s why I offer a free course to my readers on Quick Sprout in exchange for their emails. I make a compelling promise: “Double Your Traffic in 30 Days” and I have valued it at $300.

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If you’re keen on sharing your knowledge and want to sell your expertise, then you should explore a digital product.

There’s just one problem.

You’ll need to build an audience from scratch that trusts you and is willing to buy from you.

To give you an idea, here’s an example online course webinar funnel by Jason at Teachery. He uses webinars to sell.

In your case, you’ll build an audience around your expertise on Instagram. So our funnel will look similar (but with Instagram at the top).

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You might wonder why we aren’t relying on search engines and other marketing avenues for building an audience.

SEO and other marketing tactics give results slowly. If you know your end goal is to sell a course on a specific skill, then you can launch and build your brand exponentially faster on Instagram.

Just post content and build an engaged audience by following the Instagram marketing strategies I shared in the article above.

Now that you understand the huge potential of information products, allow me to tell you the next step.

Build an email list and landing pages to your Instagram audience.

You’ll need to create landing pages and a lead magnet. Foundr Magazine has followed this strategy to build a list with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

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Right now, they have built a massive audience to the tune of a million on Instagram. And since it’s their strong suite, Foundr founder Nathan now sells his Instagram marketing expertise in an online course called Instagram Domination at a whopping price of $1,997.

Given that businesses that are passionate about Instagram marketing follow them, Foundr has a great pool of potential qualified buyers in their audience with them on Instagram. Many of these prospects are likely to buy their course.

Do you want to understand in more detail how Instagram drives customers for Foundr?

Foundr has found Instagram to be a game changer for them. They use “product pushers” like the free eBook on getting 10,000 Instagram followers to the people that click on the link in their bio. Here’s how the landing page for the eBook looks to a prospect.

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Foundr claims to have reached conversion rates as high as 70% with their landing pages because of the insane value they offer.

They also offer free trials, guides, and other content through their landing page in the bio link. Here’s another example post that Foundr uses to promote tools for entrepreneurs.

Once a prospect signs up for receiving their gift, they get swept off their feet with the high-quality, insightful content Foundr has in store.

Even if 0.1% of their email list of about 200,000 people sign up for their Instagram marketing course, Foundr generates a decent sum.

If you sell a low-ticket item like an eBook at $20, then you can get a higher percentage of people to buy from you. You’ll need to decide on the type of product by consulting your audience and the amount of value you’re offering.

For Example: In 2015, Bryan Harris had generated over $750,000 with his Get 10,000 Subscribers video course. Now, when he thought of creating a new product, he didn’t create another massive 10-hour video course on another marketing subject.

Rather, he went back to his audience. He found that they didn’t want to get overwhelmed with information. They wanted simple system with proven, actionable tips to launch new business campaigns and a deadline to keep them accountable.

And that’s what he did with Slingshot.

It’s a powerful tool with launch templates that are based on successful launches by online businesses. You get a video overview each week and a quick primer on what’s expected (with just the necessary instructions).

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In their product launch blog post, Bryan goes behind the scenes with his audience: They had sold $30,000 worth of licenses on the product within 24 hours.

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I don’t expect you to launch a tool as your first product (especially challenging if you aren’t from a coding background), but understand that you need to be smart about the kind of information products you build.

A pitfall when launching a product: How to validate your idea

You get the process:

Market and build your brand by storytelling on Instagram, launch your site, start an email list, build a relationship, and you’ll get a few of these people to convert.

But in the real world, business isn’t going to behave linearly.

3 major reasons why many of you won’t succeed with launching a course (or any product for that matter):

  • You’ll run out of ideas (or don’t have one in the first place)
  • You aren’t confident that you’re good enough
  • You’ll launch a product but later find that no one is willing to buy it

That’s a bad spot to be in. I know this from experience.

I have a fix for all of these problems.

You need to validate your idea and pre-sell a skeleton version (minimum viable product) of the product.

Want to know how?

One way is by looking at the existing books in your niche that are selling on Amazon and the courses selling on Udemy (look for bestsellers).

A more intimate way is surveying the audience you’ve built on Instagram and ask them what they are willing to buy.

Bryan Harris used the strategy to launch his product. He dug out his analytics, looked at his most popular blog posts, and found that ‘list building’ was generating a lot of interest. So he built a product hypothesis for the course.

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Then he put together a Google form to collect feedback and garner interest in the subject.

Finally, he emailed all the people that showed interest, addressing their objections and offering them an option to buy his course. He got 39 pre-orders.

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He then went back to the drawing board and started building the course quickly (involving the people that preordered his course).

When he launched the course, he was able to generate $220,750 in revenue in 10 days.

Sweet, isn’t it?

You can leverage Instagram and your website in tandem to find profitable product ideas.

You can question your audience’s biggest challenges through an image post and even a 60-second short video. Your followers will respond by commenting and sending direct messages. You can then simply direct them to your bio link that leads to a survey.

Instagram isn’t purely a photo sharing app. In 2015, I used the platform to generate over $300,000 in 3 months by selling my training package at $495/month. My process was straightforward. I paid Instagram influencers with huge followings and drove traffic from Instagram to my webinar landing pages.

That resulted in 2,570 email optins.

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And I managed to get about 2% of those people to buy.

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The opportunity is still open on the platform as it has quickly risen to 700 million users.

So leverage Instagram marketing to educate people on your existing skillsets and start your online course journey today. You never know how many thousands of dollars you’ll generate in revenue.

Note: You can also sell your course on a platform with existing prospective customers like Skillshare and Udemy. But if you choose that route, then you’ll have less control and need to obey the platform’s pricing policies. I recommend the aforementioned Instagram audience strategy.

Instagram Money Tactic #7: Beef up your YouTube audience with Instagram videos

If you’re a YouTuber, then the more nuanced and technical money making strategies (that we discussed) will take a huge bite of your time that you could spend on furthering your art.

We don’t want that. The world needs more of you creative people.I have an easier business model that works on integrating Instagram with the content creation platform of your choice.

But stay with me to show you the monetary possibilities.

As much as sitcoms dominated the 90s, the current generation is brought up on web series and snackable videos.

I love binge-watching YouTube videos. It’s such a tremendous resource for education, entertainment, and just pure fun. No wonder over one billion hours of video content is watched on YouTube every day.

And YouTube doesn’t just have cute baby and cat videos either. 70% of YouTube viewers believe that YouTube creators can shape culture.

Who’s creating the content and how are they making a living?

Singers, guitarists, comedians, filmmakers, and simple people like you.

To give you an idea, here are the most popular categories of videos on YouTube. But channels exist on every subject under the sun.

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Now let’s come to the monetization. YouTubers earn through ads shown in their videos. Youtube has paid $2 billion to creators since 2007.

But there are other ways to make money.

One is by partnering with brands. You can expect a YouTube creator with 1-3 Million subscribers to average $125,000 per sponsored post. Indeed, Economist found that YouTube influencers get paid the most as compared to other social media platforms (with the same number of followers).

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Another great way to make money is by offering exclusive content and privileges to your premium subscribers on Patreon.

A talented YouTube star that relies on this technique is Rob Scallon. He has a YouTube channel with one million subscribers, and he shares the link to his Patreon with every YouTube video. He calls Patreon as ‘Super Subscribe’ and also mentions it at the end of his videos occasionally.

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Right now, he has 762 Patreons contributing at least $1/month to get early access to his new videos, an option to download his videos, and some other additional privileges.

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To give you an idea of the amount of money you can make from Patreon:

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Patreon artists belong to a variety of genres including subjects like comics on parenting, earthquake forecasting videos, and New York City history. Many of these people don’t have a so-called ‘real job.’ So they work on their passions full time and aren’t starving artists.

Alright, now let’s circle back to how this will work with Instagram.

If you’re a YouTube star and want to scale your audience, then Instagram is a gold mine. It’s indirect brand exposure to 700 million users will translate into more eyeballs.

Et devine quoi?

Instagram and YouTube complement each other well. Instagram can be a place to release shorter content and build a relationship with your audience. YouTube will be the place where you release your professionally produced final versions.

Here are a few ways you can increase the number of views on every YouTube video you release with Instagram marketing:

1. Release teasers to your YouTube videos and build excitement

Are you building trailers to create a buzz about your soon-to-be-released content?

Then Instagram Stories is a brilliant tool.

You can show people behind the scenes about how you’re producing your content. If it’s attention-grabbing, then even a single photo can do.

Music is Win founder Tyler posted this gimmicky picture on Instagram of bashing his guitar before he posted his video on YouTube. And it got his audience (all guitar lovers) talking.

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If you want to announce your videos, then a 60-second trailer to your recipes, songs, compositions, and any other kind of video sketch is great to have.

Here’s an example of a song trailer posted by Majestic Casual. The post already has 2,000+ views, and many of these people must have clicked on the link in the bio to stream the full song. If you’re a musician, it makes sense to create short trailers and direct people to buy the full version through your bio link.

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If you don’t want to post a video trailer, then you can use a quick teaser from your video as well that sets the context for your YouTube video.

It’s a great way to announce new content. You can direct Instagram users to the link in the bio and get some new viewers. Here’s how Music is Win used a picture for a recent video they released.

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2. Show your real life and extend your social relationship with your fans

Have you ever taken out your wallet to purchase a product by a company you’ve previously never heard of?

Probably not too often.

As an artist, you need to hang out with your audience and build a relationship with them. Otherwise, you can’t expect them to watch your content and care about you.

The concept of just creating a bunch of 1000 true fans that eagerly await your craft and buy everything you create by Kevin Kelly is real. Only these fans can help you make a comfortable living for a lifetime.

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Vlogging and releasing personal videos on YouTube can make your audience feel connected to you. But Instagram is an extension of YouTube to show your fans what’s happening in your daily life.

Look at the Instagram feed of YouTuber Devin Graham. You’ll get a feel for his recent travels. For instance, he shared this Muckross Abbey photo with a few details of his ‘spooky’ experience at the place.

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A couple of days earlier, he shared a beautiful family photo. As you can see, the followers loved to get a taste of his personal life.

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You can also feature your fans on your Instagram account and show how special they are to you. You can broadcast any user-generated content that your audience created for your brand as well. This instills trust and keeps your community alive.

If you’re tracking your analytics, you can call out your super fans in videos that were the most active on Instagram every week. Tag them, shoot a quick video, and show your gratitude.

3. Use Instagram to engage with your audience and get content inspirations
One day, suddenly, you might face a creative block. It happens with all artists. Luckily for you, your Instagram audience can act as a primer for new content ideas. Ultimately, you’re serving your audience and involving them in discussions about your content is a great tactic.

What’s great about Instagram is that users are still engaged (especially when compared with other social media). They will comment, like, share, and answer your questions.

For example: Here’s an Instagram Q & A video Kalyn Nicholson posted on Youtube.

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4. Use hashtags to reach a completely new set of audience

The internet is a chaotic place with a lot of content being produced every second. A great way to ensure success is trying to reach people through different platforms (you never know where they are hanging out right now).

Instagram has a terrific organic reach and allows you to leverage hashtags for reaching audiences with different interests. Based on the theme of your YouTube video, you can use up to 30 hashtags per post and get more views (please read the hashtag strategy I shared above).

You can even create your own brand hashtag that will increase your footprint. Once enough people in your community identify with it, it gets the ball rolling whenever you launch a new content piece.

If you want to take your Instagram engagement to the next level, you can consider running a giveaway and offering a prize to your followers.

5. Collaborate with Instagram influencers to expand your reach

Remember how I mentioned Instagram influencers take $50 or upwards to do a sponsored post on their Instagram accounts?

It’s a great strategy to increase your views. You can spare some budget for a web series or exclusive content pieces on YouTube that will critically define your brand.

The folks at Moxy Hotels (Marriott) relied on Instagram influencers to promote their original series ‘Do Not Disturb.’

To further the reach on their content, they also launched a paid Instagram marketing campaign.

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Instagram can drive more viewers which is equal to more money from ads on YouTube and more brand collaboration opportunities.

Simply put, cross-promoting your videos on social media works. Plus que one-third of Patreon traffic is from social media. If you’re a YouTuber, start working in tandem with both of your social media accounts.

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Note: If you want to make money from YouTube Ads, then I recommend joining the YouTube Creator Academy and ensure that you craft advertiser-friendly content.

Instagram Money Tactic #8: Market your Airbnb on Instagram

I am assuming you’re willing to work hard (not here for quick money making schemes) and you’re ready to experiment with contemporary business ideas. I am a big believer in hustling and even wrote a livre on the subject.

With that in mind, let me present a unique opportunity the sharing economy has presented to us. If you don’t already know, I am on the road most of the time and live in hotels. I’ve even sold my luxurious condo in Las Vegas. It served as a distraction.

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Now, I have some similar advice for you: Put the spare room in your home up for rent, especially if you’re living in a place that thrives with tourists.

If you aren’t a social guy that likes meeting new people, then the idea of renting a room might make you uncomfortable, but bear with me.

I am sure you must have already heard about Airbnb. The site has more than 100 million users and over 640,000 hosts from all over the world. If you’ven’t heard of them, they are huge. Here’s an infographic that shows their story.

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The company has done a terrific job connecting travelers looking for affordable accommodation options with people willing to rent their spare apartments or rooms. Their pitch is compelling.

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And they are growing at an exponential pace and are expected to touch roughly half a billion bookings annually in the next five years—and a full billion by 2025.

Want to know what’s possible on Airbnb?

  • In a year, Tim and Holly doubled their income after they converted their long-term rental into a short-term rental.
  • There are people like Scott Shatford that have earned six-figures a year from their Airbnb. Superhosts have the potential to earn five to six figures in revenue.

Now, as you might have guessed, Instagram is a terrific platform to promote your Airbnb. I’ll get into the specifics later. First, let’s understand the ins and outs of starting a business on Airbnb.

A quick primer on Airbnb

People are looking for lodging options on Airbnb. If you want to start an Airbnb, it’s not a usual online business without people interaction. You’ll need to factor:

  • the effort and time required in setting up a well-furnished space as well as maintenance of the business
  • the expenses involved in the amenities you’ll provide (like breakfast, cleaning service, and the like)
  • the laws of the state where you live (it’s extremely important to consult an attorney on this or else you might end up paying exorbitant fines)
  • how you’ll ensure a stellar experience as a host (cleanliness, local guide)
  • see how you’ll assure privacy for your guests while still maintaining sufficient personal space

Understand that the more number of rules and the higher price you set, the fewer number of bookings will you close. You need to make your listing appealing to the guest by offering an affordable space.

The space you rent can’t be disorderly because people on vacations are looking for a soothing ambiance. You’ll need to honestly describe the space in detail with as many specifics as possible.

  1. Is it a house/room/hammock?
  2. What are the nearby tourist attractions?
  3. Are there any landmarks that help people quickly find your space?
  4. Mention any additional utilities along with their costs (like Wi-Fi, electricity, food, and the like).
  5. Are guests allowed to smoke/drink and can they bring their pets? Mention any such restrictions that you don’t expect in your house.

Also, take high-quality, wide-angle pictures that clearly show exterior and interior areas of the space you’re renting. If you’re feeling adventurous and love to play around with data, then I recommend you to check out the analytics tool Airdna.

Here are a few copywriting tips for Airbnb:

  • Airbnb allows you to use only 500 characters in the summary, so use it wisely. Be concise and honest.
  • Put a professional picture in your profile and share your contact details (they aren’t shared until a guest makes a booking).
  • Use attention-grabbing headlines and benefit-driven statements but don’t oversell on the condition of the rental space.
  • Research well and set a competitive price.

Finally, I recommend you check out this checklist by OneRooftTop for short-term rentals.

Here is how you can expand your Airbnb business with an authentic presence on Instagram:

People can be frightened with the idea of entering into a stranger’s house. They want to feel at home and get the assurance that their hosts are friendly people. Airbnb reviews are great to establish credibility, but 82% of listings have over 4.5 stars.

So how can you make your Airbnb an obvious choice for travelers?

Instagram can really help bridge the gap.

It’s a platform where you can market your rental space to travelers and show your hospitality.

Here are 5 tips to market your Airbnb:

1. Give travelers a virtual tour

Show people around the space you’re renting. Show them how comfortable, neat, and beautiful your place is. If there’s a gorgeous view on a particular day from your balcony, then post that and invite your prospects to experience it.

Your neighborhood, local restaurants and events can add another dimension to your guest’s experience. So show it to them along with your space.

If you offer any special amenities like local guides, maps, cuisine, then share that as well.

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2. Post pictures of past guests with their testimonials

User-generated content is the quickest way to build trust. Let your guests share their experience with you. If they left you a thank you note, then take a picture of it and post on Instagram.

It even makes sense to show your past guests and share your experience with them. Goes to show that you genuinely enjoy hosting people. I would even recommend you to take a selfie with every guest you host. It will consolidate some memories and make for a good Instagram post.

3. Run special discounted rates on special occasions

Instagram is majorly about brand awareness. But your audience won’t mind if you occasionally sell your products.

You know what’s the cherry on top?
When you offer a special discount to your followers. They will be thrilled to get a special deal during holiday season.

I would recommend you that you update your average price as per the season changes on Instagram. If it’s the off-season, you can fill the unbooked dates by announcing a deal to your Instagram audience. Create a limited-time offer to really push people to book your Airbnb.

4. Put a face on your boring listing

If you love meeting new people and having long conversations about life and travel, then show that on Instagram. Your Instagram account should not just look like a rental business advertising its space. Make it personal. Take pictures of yourself and show off your personality.

If you’re light-hearted and funny, then let your Instagram account show that. Even a smile will make you a less intimidating choice and increase your chances of getting business.

5. Run ads targeting travelers in your area

Ready to spare some cash and get more bookings?

Then use Instagram’s powerful targeting features and run paid campaigns. Airbnb have themselves experienced huge success with an Instagram partnership, so you can expect great results. Here are a few tips to launch a paid Instagram campaign.

You need to mix up the above tips with the Instagram marketing strategies that we’ve already discussed. For example: Researching and using 5 or more relevant hashtags in every post will expand the reach of your Instagram posts.

I recommend checking out The Beach Lodge on Instagram for inspiration.

Instagram Money Tactic #9: Travel, post your beautiful pictures on Instagram, and build a consulting business around it

I love to travel. Fortunately, I get to see a lot of the world as I speak at dozens of events each year.

Because of my love for the road, I like to read travel blogs to see what’s out there.

I’ve seen travelers rely on many different jobs they find along the way to make their time abroad last longer. From teaching English and jewelry making to hair styling spinning fire poi. But all such jobs restrict your freedom, and you aren’t in control of when and where you can travel.

What if I told you that in the digital economy we live in today, it’s possible to make money while traveling anywhere that has a Wi-Fi connection?

Many of you might already know such people as digital nomads.

Indeed, Tim Ferriss has unleashed an era of the ‘new rich’ with his book the Four Hour Workweek.

He shares strategies to make money by building an affiliate marketing business and outsourcing and automating its operations to the point that you can travel conveniently.

You can even build a consulting business around your skills like content marketing. But I have a strategy that relies solely on Instagram and traveling.

Travel consulting.

It’s an exciting business model because you help people plan their dream trips and get paid for it.
And how will you establish credibility as an expert in travel planning?

By traveling extensively yourself and sharing your experiences visually on Instagram.

Before we begin with how to market yourself on Instagram, let me get a few things straightened out:

  • You’ll need a few thousand dollars saved up to start this kind of a business. And initially, until you start making money, you might have to spend some time in places where living expenses are low (like Thailand, Colombia, India and the like).
  • I am not saying that you should open a new franchise for an already established travel agency. That may not leave you with much control over your schedule.
  • If you love the outdoors and adventure, then you can get trained and offer tours to adults, families and customized group tours.
  • While ‘traveling the world’ sounds like an exciting idea, it doesn’t make for a compelling pitch. You need to find a niche on a specific location and the services you’ll offer to your client. Before you begin selling, go on a tour yourself. Be the client. Once you know your way around the places well, then you can offer the tour to guests.

Par exemple, Vantigo specialized in tours around San Francisco including wine tours and brew tours.

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  • See I got you all excited with the idea of making an idea while traveling. But it doesn’t mean it’s going to be an enthralling experience throughout. You might keep shuttling between the same locations to ensure a smooth experience for your guests. Since it’s a business, you’ll need to put in a lot of work, gather feedback, and keep improving your services. For instance, Paul and Austin run through new trips that they have developed themselves. Occasionally, they invite their alumni (they call them as “First Ascents”) along to join them on these new tours. Then they collect feedback on what needs to be tweaked.
  • A traveling business involves a lot of variables including, but not limited to, government regulations, transportation issues, and the climate of the location. A professional business can’t afford a bad experience for its customers. You need to play devil’s advocate with your travel itineraries and analyze any potential problems that might arise.

Prepare for the worst with contingency plans. Think of alternate routes, destinations, and activities that will keep your guests engaged on the journey. Remember, your guests are on a vacation (unlike you – always being on the road). More than the money and time, they have an emotional attachment with every trip and want to have a great time.

So accept the responsibility and meticulously plan your tours to ensure a memorable experience for your clients.

To give you an idea of how to plan and present your first trip, head over to WanderingEarlTours.com.

Its founder, Derek Baron, has been traveling, living, and working around the world non-stop since 1999. He specializes in offering trips to small groups at a price of over $2,000 per person. Many of his tours are sold out.

Let’s look at a particular tour: Wander Across India, Nov 2017. There’s a detailed itinerary of the cities the guests will visit each day on the tour. You’ll also find a map with locations marked, a few pictures, accommodation, and other details of the trip. The price for the tour is $2,100.

There’s a separate section consisting of testimonials from past customers (an important section to earn the trust of your prospective guests).

Wandering Earl even has dedicated guides for specific countries.

If you want to set up a full-fledged travel agency, then you can check out the 7-Day Travel Agency Challenge by Hosted Agency Reviews.

Let’s move on to how you’ll get clients from Instagram for your tour.

Conseil de pro: I recommend that you spend more dollars (and work on lower profit margins) to ensure that the accommodation, hygiene, food transportation, and other arrangements are the best of the best. Even slight glitches can add up quickly to make traveling a disaster.

Ditch franchise restaurants in favor of local cuisine. Embed your guests in the local culture and intently listen to the demands of your guests. If you treat them well and fulfill their demands, you’ll find a lot more business through word-of-mouth referrals and repeat customers.

How to market your travel business on Instagram?

Traveling equates to beautiful, weird, and surprising experiences. You can easily translate each of these experiences into Instagram currency: pictures. Let me expand with a few specific marketing tips.

1. Share picturesque moments from your trips – Did you find a dog eating cupcakes nearby the beach? Open your Instagram, type a quick caption, and post the picture. Saw an athletic lady doing backflips on the subway? Broadcast it and tell people how awesome it is (live videos are ticking off on Instagram).

Traveling is inherently photo-worthy. You’ll witness peaceful beaches, breath-taking mountains, glorious sunrises, and elegant sunsets. Leverage these opportunities to take photos and generate content for your Instagram account.

For example: As he landed in Sweden, Derek shared this beautiful photo of the country sharing that he’s in the country for the next 8 days.

Occasionally, you should use more of the textual characters to complement a picture and share your thoughts. Traveling is supposed to make you introspect anyway, right?

For instance, in the post below, Derek shares the events of his past 3 weeks and how he’s stoked for being able to travel in the way which once seemed impossible to him. He vouches that hard work can make such a life possible.

2. It’s alright even if you don’t find a gorgeous view – Sometimes you don’t even need a fancy sunset or picturesque countryside to mesmerize people. Your Instagram audience loves to travel – so even an update from your bed will transport them to the place you mention.

Even a casual snap from your travel with an update will get people floored. It’s also a great way to interact with people.

Par exemple: In the post below, Storyv shared a picture with their morning coffee. Excluding the map tattoo on the back (which is beautiful and grabs attention), the post is ordinary. But they share their plans of heading to China borders and ask for tips from people who have been to Shenzhen. Note how they subtly promote their free eBook in the PS section by putting a CTA to check out the link in their bio.

3. Seek travel advice from your audience

If your community is bubbling with passionate fellow-travelers, it doesn’t have to be a one-way street. You can involve them in discussions about your plans. You can ask for their suggestions on places you want to travel to.

Here’s an Instagram post by Storyv that shows a lush green office in Kerala. Hannah expresses her interest in working out of that place and traveling to India, and she invites her audience to share their opinions.

4. Share pictures of local cuisine – Food is a huge part of every culture and a major motivation for people to explore new places. So whenever you’re dining out at a local restaurant, share a drool-worthy picture of the food you’re having.

Here’s a picture of Vietnamese food that xotours (they offer food and city tours across Ho Chi Minh City) shared on their Instagram account.

Since food is visually appealing, it gets great attention on Instagram. Jessica, a former Mathematics teacher, loves experimenting with new foods and posts pictures of her experiences on Instagram. In 2.5 years, she has built a following of 351,000 and gets paid well to travel the world while taking pictures of her meals.

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5. Share pictures of useful products for your audience – Alright, we’ve already discussed this Instagram money tactic. Still, I want to reiterate that sponsored posts are a great way to monetize your Instagram audience. You can make decent money on the road simply by sharing useful products with your followers.

Emma from luxurybackpacking makes $2,000-$3,000 every month through sponsored posts with a little over 69,000 followers. She started out her Instagram account near the end of 2015, and in just 3 months, she hit 10,000 followers and started making some money.

Here’s an example of a sponsored post by Emma.

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As you implement these tips with the strategies I shared before, you’ll start building your Instagram audience. Once you’ve 5,000-10,000 followers, you can start offering tours and make money from your travel business.

Here is an alternate way to make money through your travel expertise:

With enough traveling experiences under your belt, you can even sell digital products on your travel expertise.

For example: Chris and Stephanie are both authors with extraordinary travel achievements. Chris traveled to 193 countries before his 35th birthday, and Stephanie has worked on the road for 20 years and has been to 120 countries.

They have monetized their extensive traveling experience with a $99 course titled ‘Making Your Dream Trip a Reality.’ It’s a 33-lesson course that discusses travel strategy, airline alliances, earning miles, hotels, logistics, and even traveling for free.

Right now, the course is selling for $69, but it has had tremendous success with over 11.500 students and 100% positive reviews.

If you browse through Udemy, you’ll find many more courses related to Travel. A few courses such as ‘Travel The World Free or Almost Free For As a Digital Nomad’ has as many as 7,598 students.

Storyv has put up a list of diverse travel job courses on their website including ideas like ‘How to Start a Hostel’ and ‘Get Paid to Work on Cruise Ships.’

It goes to show that people are willing to buy courses on travel, especially when you show them ways to travel for cheap (or free!).

Online courses and digital products are a great way to earn passive income while traveling. You must layer them with other travel services that you’re offering. I’ve already talked about building and selling information products in tactic #6.

That brings us to the end of the last tactic. Before we conclude, there’s one tip I want to add.

Mr. Buffett’s ‘diversification’ mantra holds true for making money from Instagram

As an entrepreneur, I have immense respect for Mr. Warren Buffett.

I’ve religiously followed his advice on how to build multiple sources of income. I started my first business selling burned CDs and cable black boxes to my classmates in high school. Since then, I’ve built multiple blogs and businesses including Crazy Egg, Quick Sprout, Hello Bar and others.

Similarly, I recommend you play it smart with your Instagram game. Combine your interests and skills to create multiple income streams using the tactics I shared. Become a service consultant, sell a course on your expertise, and become an affiliate for products in your niche.

Shelcy Joseph is a social media influencer making an average of $1,600 per month on the side from Instagram since July 2016. And as you may have guessed it, she has more than one income sources:

  • Sponsored Posts: She does $75/post and makes about $600 every month from them.
  • YouTube Advertising: After signing up for the YouTube Partner program, Shelcy has been able to make $50 from ads. That’s not huge, but she hopes to increase the amount in the coming months.
  • Private Consultation: They make a bulk of the money for Shelcy. She charges $40/hour from local businesses and startups for helping them with their marketing, graphic design, and video editing. She makes up to $1,200 a month from offering these services.

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The most important aspect of making money is to keep hustling and stay patient. Starting from zero, you can’t jump to $10,000/month in just weeks or months. But as you build influence and credibility, you’ll start making a decent income.

Zanna Van Dijk shares how she initially got free products in exchange for an Instagram post. Eventually, as her audience grew, she did paid collaborations with brands.

I’ll leave you with one last piece of advice:

You have no control over Instagram’s rules and algorithms. Given that Instagram has terminated the accounts of people with thousands of followers without any warning, it doesn’t make sense to build your business solely on Instagram.

Treat Instagram as a business asset. Don’t build your complete business on a piece of rented land that leaves you with little control. Brian Clark calls this way of building a business completely dependent on another business as digital sharecropping.

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Getting Instagram users off the platform is hard. You’ll need a strong bait like a course to do so.

But I recommend you extend your Instagram presence to an email list. It will allow more control and the ability to effectively scale your business with complete ownership of your audience.

For even more stability, build products and a dedicated website where you can sell your products and services.

Foundr magazine has built an email list of hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs from converting their one million Instagram followers. And now they sell their magazine issues and products on creating an online store and Instagram marketing among others.


Instagram is growing at a mind-blowing speed while maintaining a terrific engagement rate.

It’s come a long way from simply being a basic photo sharing app. Brands are investing an exorbitant sum of their marketing budgets on the platform.

So Instagram presents a great opportunity for smart folks to quickly build an audience and monetize it. With so many potential business opportunities, anyone can earn money from Instagram.

I encourage you to take action on this massive guide by implementing one Instagram money making tactic.

What kind of experience have you had monetizing your Instagram account?


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